I'm releasing my attempt at creating a remote SMP agent diagnostics utility. This is similar to RAAD, but RAAD is still 100% better. If RAAD works for you, please continue using that. Please read the information below before running the program. This is in no way supported by Symantec support. Ever.
I do have plans to enhance this program further. Currently no error handling is implemented in the product. This will change. I will update this article as changes are made.
Running the Program Prerequisites:
I highly recommend running this program from a Windows 7 SP1 computer.
The computer you are running this program on should be on the same domain as the remote computer you will be connecting to.
In order to run this program your computer must have Windows PowerShell 3.0 installed. For Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 you can download this from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=34595
If you do not have PowerShell 3.0 installed and try to run the program, you will probably see an error like this:
When you attempt to install PowerShell 3.0 on your computer, you may receive a message saying the update is not applicable to this computer. You need the full .NET 4 framework package installed. This is available at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.as... or you could install the 4.5 framework at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.as...
If you plan on running this from a Windows Server 2008 machine you must install the Windows PowerShell ISE feature. The Windows Server 2008 version of Windows PowerShell ISE is installed by using the Add Features Wizard.
Prerequisites for Remote Computers:
Remote computer must have the SMP 7.x agent installed. This will not work against a 6.x agent.
Enable-PSRemoting must be run on the remote computers you intend to connect to. This is only required if you want the SMP Agent details. If you intend to just use the log viewer, you do not need to worry about PSRemoting. Enable-PSRemoting configures the computer to receive Windows PowerShell remote commands that are sent by using the WS-Management technology. When you run the program there is a button called Enable-PSRemoting under the Tools section. If you wish to use this button you must also download PSEXEC. PSEXEC must be in the same directory as the program. You can download PSEXEC from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx Extract the downloaded file and copy PSEXEC to the directory you are running the program from.
You can also enable-psremoting via GPO, or individually on each computer as you feel necessary.
1. Input a remote computer name. Do not use IP address as this time.
2. Click the Connect/Refresh Tabs button to make the magic happen.
3. Click Log Viewer to bring up the remote log viewer.
4. Click View C Drive to open the remote computer’s file system.
5. Enable-PSRemoting
a. If the remote computer in #1 does not have PSRemoting enabled, you can use this button to enable it. This button utilizes PSExec. Remember, you must have PSEXEC in the same directory as the program.