The Internet Explorer 9 for Windows 7 Language support Layer Definition File (LDF) provides a mechanism for customers of Symantec Workspace Virtualization to create the Virtual Application Layer and package without the need to capture the installation.
- Internet Explorer 9 for Windows 7 Layer Definition File. Download.
Supported languages:
ara - Arabic
bgr - Bulgarian
chs - Simplified Chinese
cht - Traditional Chinese
csy - Czech
dan - Danish
deu - German
ell - Greek
esn - Spanish
eti - Estonian
fin - Finnish
fra - French
heb - Hebrew
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
ita - Italian
jpn - Japanese
kor - Korean
lth- Lithuanian
lvi - Latvian
nld - Dutch
nor - Norwegian
plk - Polish
ptb - Portuguese Brazil
ptg - Portuguese Portugal
rom - Romanian
rus - Russian
sky - Slovak
slv - Slovenian
sve - Swedish
tha - Thai
trk - Turkish
Date | Version | Change Description |
Change Log | ||
06/11/2013 | | Initial posting |